

        新呈工業1990年創立,創立團隊來自不同領域菁英,是一家專業線材加工組裝廠,產品應用在工業電腦、汽車AI鏡頭配線、醫療設備、防水線材、 IoT感測器等,特別協助客戶開發耐候、耐

        1990年新呈工業在創辦人的客戶的線束需求下創立。創業維艱,前兩年董事長都住在工廠,只有周日才把髒衣服帶回家中換洗。歷經幾年努力,眼看經營日漸穩定,然而天公來考驗, 2000年納莉與象神颱風造成淹水損失兩千萬,好在全體員工齊心向前克服困難,第二年開始賺錢;2009年金融風暴許多公司都在放無薪假,年初與中高階主管達成協議,暫時減薪一起度過難關,可是沒想到到了年底,大家的努力公司還是有營利,於是將減薪部分加碼奉還,感謝一年來奮鬥的同事們。一直有著感恩情懷的新呈,在加入資承新世代慈善協會開始每年出資邀請偏鄉小孩來企業參訪,認識行業、產品使用在哪、企業重要性、手做DIY,並在過程中引領讀書的重要性,冀望持續上進向學,此活動受到李家成校長與同學們的讚許,新呈員工也因此以新呈為傲。 2020年疫情來襲,新呈與另外5位企業家二代成立防疫國家隊迅速增產核酸檢測設備,從一個月5台產能,在短短兩個月提高到30台,新呈也擴廠,調撥產線因應,為疫情的把關盡一份心力,這都是有賴於永續經營理念,完善管理,創新研發,數位轉型,社會責任,並在願景為成為全球最先進及最大的專業線束技術及製造服務業者,並且與我們任何有線束需求的客戶群共同組成產業中堅強的競爭團隊;使命作為全球連接產業中,長期且值得信賴的技術、平台、標準的提供者;核心價值的誠信正直、承諾、創新、客戶信任的驅動和帶領下的成果。

        OEM是台灣起飛的關鍵產業,新呈也是在這代工下創立,以滿足客戶需求、少量多樣、持續改善、不斷學習、建設實驗室、從基礎ISO 9002,ISO 14001, UL等系統到汽車產業IATF 16949, 甚至引進IPC/WHMA-A-620品質標準,如同考駕照的術科( IPC/WHMA-A-620)與學科(IATF 16949)的保證,甚至取得亞洲第一家取得IPC QML認證的自我要求超前部屬精神服務顧客。 

        新呈更透過16年來的數位賦能、數位優化到數位轉型,能夠藉由數位戰情室即時取得生產線上數據、生產履歷、銷售數字;更使用最先進的AI技術創立智慧排程、 AI及時作業標準工時收集、 AI客戶需求圖形搜尋、 AI面板參數資訊擷取。累積的數位能力創造新的產品,將死的電線變成活的測漏水、酸鹼液、汽柴油三種感測線材,將資訊傳達到使用者的APP警示,提早發現,解決問題。對於人的管理機制上,導入TTQS,健全人力資源系統,文武雙全的職涯管道,建立一個公平、公正、公開、合理的作業與激勵環境;福利部分除了三節獎金、生日禮金、國外旅遊補助,更有著超出其他企業的紅利發放制度、員工小孩獎助學金,有許多資深新呈人拿到退休金過著人生後半幸福快樂無憂的日子。




自動裁線剝皮壓著產線 Product Line                          每周讀書會 Weekly Book Club

Everbiz was founded in 1990 by a team of professionals from different fields. We are wiring harness and cable assemblies manufacturer.Our products are used in industrial computers, automotive AI lens wiring, medical equipment,waterproof cables, IoT sensors, etc. We especially assist customers in developing weatherresistance, flexural- resistance, broadband and other special high-quality customized cables.We are known for our small amount of variety,fast response, and satisfactory delivery to our customers, and richly cultivating Taiwan, and through digital empowerment and optimization to digital transformation, prudent management, and strengthening of talent, we have made steady and steady profits every year.

Hardworking and endurance, breakthroughs in the status quo, and contributions to society.
In 1990, the founder was founded in response to the needs of the founder’s customers for wiring harnesses. For the first two years, the president lived in the factory and only brought home dirty clothes on Sundays to change. After several years of hard work, the business seemed to be stabilizing, but the heavens came to our rescue.In 2000, Typhoon Nari and Elephant God caused flooding and a loss of 20 million dollars, but all the employees moved forward together and overcame the difficulties. Many companies were on unpaid leave during the financial turmoil in 2009. At the beginning of the year, we reached an agreement with our middle and senior executives to temporarily reduce their salaries to tide over the difficult times together. However, at the end of the year, the company was still profitable due to our hard work, so we gave back the salary reduction and increased the amount to thank our colleagues for their hard work during the year. A new presentation that has always been grateful. After joining the New Generation Charity Association,Everbiz started to invest in inviting children from rural areas to visit the company every year to learn about the industry, where the products are used,
the importance of the company, do DIY, and lead the study in the process I hope to continue to learn.This activity was praised by President Lee ChiaTung and his classmates, and Everbiz employees are also proud of Everbiz. In 2020, when the epidemic hit, Everbiz and five other entrepreneurs established a second-generation anti-epidemic national team to rapidly increase the production of nucleic acid testing equipment, from five units a month to 30 units in just two months,and Everbiz also expanded its factory. Allocate production lines to respond to the epidemic and
make a contribution to the control of the epidemic.This all depends on the concept of sustainable management, perfect management, innovative research and development, digital transformation,
social responsibility, and the vision to become the world’s most advanced and largest professional wiring harness Technology and manufacturing service providers, and together with any of our
cable harness customers, form a strong competitive team in the industry; mission as a long-term and trustworthy provider of technologies, platforms and standards in the global connectivity industry;integrity of core values Results driven by integrity,commitment, innovation, and customer trust.


Deepening management and continuous improvement
       OEM is a key industry that help Taiwan growing up. Everbiz was also created under foundry. We meet customer needs, small quantities and diversification, continuous improvement,continuous learning, laboratory construction,from basic ISO 9002, ISO 14001, UL and other systems to the automotive industry IATF 16949,even the introduction of IPC/WHMA-A-620 quality standards .Just like the guarantee of driving license,the technical subjects is IPC/WHMA-A-620 anddisciplines is IATF 16949. Everbiz is the first selfcertified IPC QML in Asia. It is required to serve customers in advance of subordinates.


Three periods of continuous growth,strengthening the foundation, digital optimization, digital transformation andinnovation of the future.
       Through 16 years of digital empowerment,digital optimization and digital transformation,Everbiz can obtain real-time production line data,production history, and sales figures through the digital battle room; it also uses the most advanced AI technology to create smart scheduling and AI timely Work standard time collection, AI customer demand graphical search, AI panel parameter information retrieval. The accumulated digital capabilities create new products, turning dead wires into live three sensing wires for leak detection,acid and alkali liquid, gasoline and diesel, and convey information to the user APP warning, so that we can detect early and resolve and problems.Regarding the human management mechanism,We introduce TTQS, improve the human resource system, a career channel of both civil and military,
and establish a fair, just, open, and reasonable operation and incentive environment; the welfare part except for three bonuses, birthday gifts, and foreign travel subsidies, we also has a bonus
distribution system that ex ceeds other companies,employee child scholarships .Mary many senior retired employees get pensions and live a happy and worry-free life in the second half of their lives.When a company opens the door, money is like a faucet. If you want to live, you have to work. The chairman upholds the spirit of “taking Everbiz as a writer” and pulls Everbiz to a large scale. Since entering the company, the general manager often reflects and observes trends. If the system is sound and the comprehensive digital system can definitely reduce the cost of small and diverse customization, through continuous improvement,managing small to large orders is definitely not a problem. The general manager firmly believes that as long as that step is taken, one day it will reach from 0. 1.


